
一位聽障高齡初產婦行剖腹產後之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of an Advanced-Age Postpartum Primipara with Hearing Impairment

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篇  名 一位聽障高齡初產婦行剖腹產後之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of an Advanced-Age Postpartum Primipara with Hearing Impairment
作者/編譯者 盧映如、鍾芬芳
刊  名 長庚科技學刊
出版年/月 2012-6
卷  數
期  數 45671
頁  次 47
出版單位 長庚學校財團法人長庚科技大學
類  別
摘  要 本篇係探討照護一位39歲聽障的初產婦行剖腹產後初期的護理經驗。護理期間自98年11月30日至98年12月3日,個案與案夫分別為中、重度之聽障人士,面對高齡產後生理恢復速度較慢,加上產後照護溝通及學習上的障礙,筆者運用Roy's護理適應模式,將個案資料整理分析後歸納出主要的三個護理問題:急性疼痛、無效性母乳哺餵、知識缺失。面對夫婦皆為聽障的個案,除建立良好治療性人際關係外,護理過程中,也運用面對面清楚簡要說明及溝通,並配合紙本資料及實體模型示範與演練的方式。除協助滿足其生理需求,也指導如何持續性哺乳及相關育兒照護技巧,進而幫助個案提升自我照護能力,以增強為母的自信心。期望藉由此護理經驗提供健康照護人員於照護聽障之產後期新手母親的參考。 This case report presents the nursing experience of a 39-year-old primiparous woman following a cesarean delivery. The nursing care was provided from November 30, 2009, to December 3, 2009. The woman had moderate hearing loss and her husband had severe hearing loss. Due to her hearing impairment and the fact that she was a first-time mother, the patient experienced difficulties in taking care of her newborn and herself in the early postpartum period. In this study, Roy's adaptation model was used as a framework to guide the nursing care. Three major nursing problems were identified: acute pain due to the surgical wound, ineffective breast-feeding, and a knowledge deficiency regarding baby-care. To identify the woman's needs, the primary nurse established a therapeutic relationship between a caregiver and this couple. A method of giving the patient simple and concise face-to-face instructions was employed throughout the nursing-care period. To enhance her self-care ability and maternal confidence, the primary nurse utilized written health information literature as well as demonstrations and practice exercises to teach her proper breastfeeding and other related mothering skills. This nursing experience provides useful information for healthcare professionals providing care for a first-time mother with a hearing impairment.
檔 案 一位聽障高齡初產婦行剖腹產後之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of an Advanced-Age Postpartum Primipara with Hearing Impairme檔案圖示 一位聽障高齡初產婦行剖腹產後之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of an Advanced-Age Postpartum Primipara with Hearing Impairme