
Placement Statuses


In School Year 2016, there were 16,823 students with disabilities in the preschool level. Among them, 16,614 went to general kindergartens or institutions to receive special education and 209 went to special education schools. For the former, 11,450 (68.92%) were under itinerant programs, coming to the top followed by those receiving special education in regular classrooms, 4069 (24.49%), 922 (5.55%) in self-contained classes and 173 (1.04%) in resource rooms. Students in special education schools were in self-contained classes.

Elementary school

In School Year 2016, there were 40,894 students with disabilities in the preschool level. Among them, 40,264 (98.42%) students received special education in regular classrooms while 648 (1.58%) went to special education schools. Among students with disabilities in regular schools, 29,220 (72.60%) were in resource rooms, 4,445 (11.04%) were under itinerant programs, 3,993 (9.92%) were in self-contained classes. Among 2,588 (6.43%) students with disabilities who received special education programs in regular classroom, 429 were home schooling.

Placement types of students in special education schools include self-contained classes for 6,526 students with intellectual giftedness and resource rooms for 160 artistically gifted students in elementary school level. There were 4,839 intellectually gifted students in resource rooms while 134 gifted students were in intellectually gifted resource rooms. There were 504 gifted students under itinerant programs. In total, there were 835 students in special education programs for gifted students.

Junior high school

In School Year 2016, there were 26,772 students with disabilities in junior high school level. Among them, 25,805 (96.39%) students received special education in regular classrooms while 967 (3.61%) went to special education schools. Among students with disabilities in regular schools, 19,531 (75.69%) were in resource rooms, coming to the top and 3,117 (12.08%) students with giftedness were in junior high schools. There were 70 students in arts abilities classrooms. Students with intellectual giftedness were in intellectual resource rooms, in total of 89 people. There were 3,856 students with academic giftedness in resource rooms. Additionally, 1,612 students in regular classrooms for gifted students; 1,131 received iterant programs. In total, 2,122 students were in gifted education programs. There were 2,008 students (7.78%) in regular classrooms receiving special education programs while 1,149 (4.45%) received itinerant programs. For students in special education schools, they were all in self-contained classes.

Senior high and vocational high school

In School Year 2016, there were 25,053 students with disabilities in high school level. Among them, 20,720 (82.70%) students received special education in regular classrooms while 4,333 (17.30%) went to special education schools. Among students with disabilities in regular schools, 9,135 (44.09%) were in  resource rooms, coming to the top and followed by those receiving special education programs in regular classrooms, 6,823 (32.93%), in self-contained classes, 4,614 (22.27%), and under iterant programs, 148 (0.71%). Students in special education schools were all in self-contained classes.

There were 10,556 gifted students in senior high and vocational high schools. Most of them were in self-contained classes. There were 5,199 artistically gifted students, 5,303 academically gifted students; 26 received itinerant programs and 28 received gifted special education programs.

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