
Description of Teachers

In School Year 2016, there were 14,254 special education teachers who worked at schools under senior high level (including special education schools and regular schools), among them, 12,617 worked for students with disabilities and 1,637 taught gifted students. For service types, 5,050 teachers worked in self-contained special education classes, 5,970 taught in resource rooms and 1,597 engaged in itinerant programs for the disabilities. For the gifted, 643 teachers worked in self-contained classes, 958 taught resource rooms and 36 engaged in itinerant programs for the gifted. Of which indicated that teachers for the gifted were mostly worked in resource rooms.

Teachers who worked in self-contained classes provided for students who were intellectual disabilities, visual impairments, hearing impairments, physical impairments and multiple disabilities, as well as students of food & beverage service and self-contained classes in vocational high schools. Among them, 2,308 teachers worked for students with intellectual disabilities, which yelled the highest number, followed by 1,652 teachers worked in self-contained classes of vocational high schools. Teachers who taught in resource rooms (n = 5,950) and itinerant programs (n = 1,075) mainly worked in non-categorical types.

Among 1,643 teachers who worked with gifted students, in terms of self-contained classes, 160 worked in art classes, 123 in music classes, 44 in dance classes, and 316 for the academic gifted. Of resource rooms, 447 teachers worked for the intellectual gifted, 305 taught the academic gifted and 181 teachers worked in non-categorical gifted resource rooms.

Formal teachers were classified into two categories, qualified special education teachers and general qualified teachers. Substitute teachers were classified into three categories, qualified special education teachers, general qualified teachers and teachers without certificates.

Among 11,719 formal teachers nationwide, 10,522 held a certificate in special education while 1,167 were certified in regular education. Among 2,535 substitute teachers, 1,283 were certified in special education and 285 were certified in regular education while 967 substitute teachers did not hold a teaching certificate.

Among formal teachers working with gifted students, few had qualification in teaching special education while most were qualified to teach in regular education, especially among those who taught in four types of classes including music, art, dance, and academically gifted. The ratio between 47 certified gifted education teachers and 576 certified in regular education teachers for the gifted was 1:12. There were few regular education teachers worked in self-contained classes in vocational high schools.
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