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篇  名 園藝活動對高職智能障礙學生自我概念影響
作者/編譯者 張君如、鄭政宗、陳國濱
刊  名 朝陽學報
出版年/月 2008-9
卷  數
期  數 45887
頁  次 205
出版單位 朝陽科技大學
類  別
摘  要 本研究旨在探討園藝活動對高職輕度智能障礙學生其自我概念及休閒效益的影響,首先透過文獻與理論分析,探討園藝治療之相關理論基礎。並根據文獻理論基礎,研擬園藝活動內容,進行實驗研究。本研究採取不等組前測後測設計進行教學實驗,以國立霧峰高級農工職業學校綜合職能科,二年級二個班級學生為實驗對象,其中一班學生14人為實驗組,接受園藝活動策略教學的實驗處理;另一班學生14人為控制組,接受一般活動教學方式,兩組皆接受為期十週,共二十節的教學。兩組學生均須完成前測、後測的處理。本研究使用之研究工具為「田納西自我概念量表」、「休閒效益量表」以及研究者自編之「整體活動回饋表」,以此進行前測、後測。實驗所得資料以次數分配及百分比、因素分析、單因子共變數分析和相依樣本t考驗等統計方法,進行各項檢定。本研究結果主要發現如下:1.園藝活動會提高輕度智能障礙學生的自我概念。受試者在「田納西自我概念量表」自我總分上,有顯著進步,其中在生理自我、道德自我、心理自我、社會自我、自我滿意、自我認同和自我行為等分量表得分皆有進步2.園藝活動會提高輕度智能障礙學生的休閒效益。受試者在「休閒效益量表」全量表總分上,有顯著進步,在心理效益、社交效益及生理效益等分量表得分皆有進步。 The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of horticultural activities on the self-concept of vocational high school with mild mental retardation students First, the theoretical basis of horticultural therapy was discussed through literature review and analysis Horticultural activities and teaching materials were designed according to the theories methods of horticultural therapy, and experiments were conducted Adopting pre-examination and post-examination was designed on different groups, this research made a teaching experiment It took two classes of Grade 2 in Department of Special Education and Technological Programs in National Wu Feng Agricultural and Industrial Vocational high school as research objects to receive 10-week teaching, totaling 20 lessons, among which class one (14 students) was taken as experiment group for receiving horticultural activities strategy instruction; the other class (14 students) as control group for taking common activities teaching. The two groups of students were required to complete. pre-examination and post-examination. Tennessee Self-Concept Scale was the research tool. Collected data have been analyzed through frequencies, factor analysis, one-way ANOCVA and paired-t test. The research results were found that the horticultural activities programs can promote the mild mentally retarded student's self-concept The subject had improved results on ”Tennessee Self-Concept Scale” including total-self, physiological-self, virtues-self, mental-self society-self, self-satisfaction, self-cognition and self-action.
檔 案 園藝活動對高職智能障礙學生自我概念影響.pdf檔案圖示 園藝活動對高職智能障礙學生自我概念影響.pdf