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篇  名 朝陽科技大學高危險新生之調查研究
作者/編譯者 黃欣妏、曹俊德
刊  名 朝陽學報
出版年/月 2010-9
卷  數
期  數 45888
頁  次 231
出版單位 朝陽科技大學
類  別
摘  要 本研究主要篩選大學高危險群新生,以了解及評估其精神及心理適應狀況。資料來自於朝陽科技大學日間部、進修部及研究所新生共3,921人,施測3,498份調查表,回收率為89.2%。從調查結果發現,本校高危險新生為484名,高危險學生比率約為13.8%,且在所有高危新生中又有42.6%比例學生有自傷、想死或想至精神科就醫,其中有100位新生指出有尋死或傷害自己的念頭;有106位新生,不知是否該至精神科就診。所有高危新生中最常出現的精神困擾中多屬「憂鬱症狀」,依序為「容易胡思亂想」、「睡眠困擾,譬如失眠或睡太多」及「覺得心情低落,無法應付周遭的事」。其他分別也有10.1%及3.5%的高危新生出現強迫行為、想法及幻聽等精神困擾。建議學校加強推廣三級預防之心理衛生工作,對精神及心理適應困難者進行追蹤輔導,以防止自我傷害之事件發生。 The purpose of the present study was to investigate and screen high-risk students. Participants of this research were the students of Evening Division, Day Division and Master of Chaoyang University of Technology freshmen. The total sample was 2,504 freshmen and 2,321 completed questionnaires, 92.7% respond rare. It was found all university freshmen have 484 at-risk freshmen, 13.6% rare. There are 42.6% hi-risk students have suicide ideas and want to see psychiatric doctor. In particular, 100 hi-risk students have suicide ideas and self-hurt behaviors and 106 hi-risk students who want to see psychiatric doctor. The hi-risk freshman indicated that they had experienced mental disturbed include thought confusedly, sleep disturbed, and depressed mood. In addition, 10.1% and 3.5% hi-risk freshman had obsessive thought and behavior and audition hallucination individually. Obviously, freshman who perceived distress were more likely to have mental disturbed. Finally, according to the results, this investigate proposed some suggestions to those in at-risk freshmen guidance and program evaluation.
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