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篇  名 不良生育結果對婦女就業的長期影響
作者/編譯者 蔡嫦娟
刊  名 朝陽學報
出版年/月 2001-6
卷  數
期  數 45886
頁  次 39
出版單位 朝陽科技大學
類  別
摘  要 婦女在婚後或產生繼續留在勞動市場,不僅已是一股無法抵擋的世界性潮流,并被視為婦女應享的工作權。影響母親在生育後是否繼續就業的因素,在過去研究中所提及的很多,但是這些研究中并未提及生育結果對母親產生的就業有何關鍵性的影響。本研究認為不良的生育結果,例如新生兒有早產、低出生體重、及其它先天性缺陷等問題,均可能是造成母親無法外出工作的主要原因。 本研究采用長時間連續性的資料(longtiudinal data),以及兩種事件史分析法(event history methods)——Kaplan-Meier estimastor及Cox's proportional hazard model,來探討生育結果(birth outcomes),包括:嬰兒的出生體重(birth weight)、是否有先天性身心障礙(disability)、及求醫次數等,如何影響母親產後繼續就業的情形。研究資料來自美國NLSY資料庫。本研究所采用的樣本是:在1979至1990年之間,生育第一胎為活胎并為單胞胎,并且在生育時已滿16歲的婦女 (N=3.482)。研究結果顯示,不良生育結果對母親就業有顯著性的負面影響,而且隨著時間愈長其影響愈大。 Although many researchers have investigated the issue of women's postbirth employment, birth outcomes that are hypothesized to have effects on maternal employment have not been considered. This study examines the effects of adverse birth outcomes, such as low birth weight, childhood disability, and visits to doctor on the timing of women's labor market participation after the first birth. The data are from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). The sample consists of 3,482 women who were at least 16 years old at the time of their first child's birth and had a singleton livebirth between 1979 and 1990. Two event history analysis techniques, Kaplan-Meier estimator and proportional hazard model, are employed. The results suggest that women who had an adverse birth outcome entered the labor market later than their normal birth outcome counterparts. In addition, the gap of employment rates between women with and without adverse birth outcomes increases with the passage of time.
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